January 07, 2011

Kitchen Installation Part 1

Kuchenmatic transported the kitchen cabinets in the afternoon before starting the installation proper the following day. After a full day's work - here's what we got :

Measurements were taken for the Corian solid surface kitchen countertop which will be installed one week later. 

Kuchenmatic installers made another trip few days later to finish installing the kitchen doors

Photo above shows the black granite top which I will be using for the cooking area. This will be installed on a separate day by a different contractor appointed by Kuchenmatic.

1 comment:

  1. l recently had a most unfortunate and disastrous encounter with kuchenmatic ttdi. He took 4 months and yet could not finish the job and he eventually abandoned us a week before we due to move in. We found out he was giving poor quality materials incl unlicensed blum parts. Workmanship was the worst l have ever seen. Lucky we were aware of all these and insisted that he make good which he couldnt and attempts to lie his way out.Beware Of Kuchenmatic


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